30-07-2024 12:00 am - 09:00 pm | Seminars | Venue: Online Virtual Programs, Your Home, on the Road, or wherever there's an internet connection
17| Financial Management: Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
TEF-2024 Cordially Invites You to the ONLINE Seminar on 30th July 2024 at 6.00 PM. The presenter will enlighten us on the various options available for investments and the ...
12-07-2024 12:00 am - 09:00 am | Others | Venue: Al Sahel Sports Club, Abuhalifa
16 | Yoga and Meditation Class (12th July 2024, Friday @ 6.15 AM)
Dear TEFians
As part of the International Yoga Day Commemoration, TEF-2024 is happy to organize an event - Yoga and Meditation Class to ...